Day 5 Horse Riding and Science - Kyle Webb


Look at our leaf cutter ant bite marks.

Watch them cut the leaf.

I am Kyle. To start of the day, we went to a place about 15 minutes away to ride horses. At first I did not do to well, but then I really excelled and did great. My horse went very fast. After the horses we all got sodas at the restaurant near by. The sodas here are amazing. Once we got back we had some free time until lunch. Lunch was muy Bueno today. Tienas Hielo means “Do you have ice”. The cafeteria lady gave me ice once but not dos times. I have learned a lot of Spanish on this trip. After lunch we waited until 2pm to start science. Are group the CONGS only consisted of 3 people today since one of them was sick. Our question is wondering if the maturity of the gmellina leaves affects the preference of the ants. Are hypothesis is that it does and that they will like more mature leaves because it has more nutrients. We worked on that today and found out that it might be the opposite, but we are going to do more test tomorrow.

Taking away the food.


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