Maripasario - Butterfly Lab

Madison, Ryan G., Ryan C., and Kieran.

A small group of students are doing research on the different stages of a butterfly life cycle. This work is being done under the watchful eye of Silver (a graduate student at UCR who studies microbiology in insects). Silver is teaching the students several techniques, such as:

* serial dilution
* aseptic techniques
* plating and growing bacteria in several media
* dissection techniques for larval, pupa, and adult stages of butterflies
* and much more.
Pupa stage of Morpho.

Removing the intestinal tract without perforating the gut. 

Ryan doing a serial dilution.

Silver showing the group how to plate the bacteria.

Dissecting a blue morpho butterfly.


  1. Wow! We love and miss you Ryan C!!! Love, Dad, Mom, Devin, Liam, Kaitlyn, Jazz 🐕, and KK's friend who is spending the night 🦋☘️♥️


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